Make use of market place providers for cost advantage with dynamic pricing approach. Single view of order and delivery across all layers. Connecting manufactures, transport hubs and freight forwards in a single system
The easy, all-in-oneplatform for fleets
Say goodbye to double-bookings, painful spreadsheet and time-consuming phone calls.
Plan, schedule and carry out detailed fleet maintenance work orders, tasks and costs
Fleet is designed for fleet management businesses looking to make life easier and increase profitability.
Inventory management software to increase online bookings.
The intricate and complex process of logistics and warehouse management is a burden on any business. This is especially true for e-commerce businesses who are in a hyper competitive market where any edge counts. We believe in technology as the edge. Our advanced intelligent Fleetpi solutions and cutting-edge software platform ensure the most efficient and innovative revolutionary solutions for your business. For Suppliers, Manufactures and CandF agents its a single window platform to manage the inflow to warehouse, regional warehouse movements, warehouse to retail outlet, warehouse to customer. Integrated platform provides a connected ecosystem of logistics providers and delivery management too. For Logistics operators and transport hub, it is single place to manage the resources efficiently increase your average revenue per unit. The platform also provides opportunity for independent providers like plethora of market place opportunity.
Fleetpi integrates seamlessly within your operations, taking the burden of warehouse to fulfillment off your business and freeing up your resources to grow your brand and market positioning. Our platform will sync directly with your business platform and automatically import orders. We will then fulfill and deliver each order with efficiency